Saturday, May 1, 2010

Heck's Kitchen

I think there have been many of us who have been fascinated by the world of Chef Gordon Ramsay. I know I have watched many season's of "Heck's" Kitchen, enthralled in the amazing creations the contestants make.

So for the reunion, since there is a "Heck's" Kitchen in NYC, we will be having a competition of our own. So start thinking of that amazing recipe that will be a winner!

Just a heads up, so everyone can be ready.

I hope ya'll are getting excited, I know I sure am!!! :)


  1. Fun! So is it gonna be like a pot luck sort of thing where we make enough for everyone to try, or are they just for looks? Just trying to see how much we'll need to plan for ;)

  2. Not like Grandma's potluck, it will be our dinner for the evening, but it won't just be like piles of weird looking potatoes or something. It is suppose to look nice, but it's suppose to taste good too! :) I think we'll have some sort of judging system, I'm still working that out. And I think I may have everyone do a dish and a desert. Remember there are going to be prizes!!! So think of something awesome!

  3. Okay sounds good, we'll see what we can come up with ;)
